Hi, thank you for making this available just a couple of things I wanted to say to you.

I'm sorry the media and everyone has given you such a hard time. I agree with so much of what you say and as a hardcore (unelected) conservative myself I know exactly what you mean about how poorly the state is organised in comparison to the private sector. For example, in the real world if you don't get the job you might not hear back. In politics you get a runner up prize.

You really should have been praised for your absolute honesty and public service. You have been treated appallingly and I could see, we could all see, you were 100% genuine. It must have been very frustrating for you and I'm sorry the party let you down after all you have done for them.

Things are never what they seem and I have some concerns over the lack of science/information available re the vaccine. Especially as the three of them were happy to fill us all full of science.

My greatest concern is that there may be something in the vaccine that a virus could link onto and if we have all had it.....

I also find it interesting that no one has mentioned the cost. Hancock and his sister is appalling btw and if that had been you, we'd have never have heard the last of it.

I've not seen this site before but will spread the word and look forward to hearing more from you in the unique position you are in. You can count me as a supporter.

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Hi Mr Cummings. Watched your evidence to the 'Lessons Learned' Committee. It was in equal measure fascinating and educational. Why aren't the best people in charge of running UK plc? Despite your protestations to the contrary, I think your departure from Westminster environment is a loss to us all. Of course, the media will never agree. But give the committee the evidence you said you had. Please. Nothing will change until heads roll. Good luck to you.

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Hello Mr.Cummings. I think you will be fascinated by the following https://youtu.be/-_NNTVJzqtY It's a conversation between biologist Bret Weinstein and two clinical physicians on COVID. It deserves your attention. The main thrust of the youtube in question is the suppression of good information, discussion and ideas about COVID and what has gone wrong, and what continues to go wrong.

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Looking forward to learning much

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Hi! I don't agree with the people you have supported, or some of your actions, but I am always impressed by your machinations (and some of your ideas for reform). I am looking forward to watch your efforts to bring about an inquiry much sooner, demonstrate the inadequacy of this government, etc. I hope I wake up tomorrow or the day after and see (here and in the papers) the evidence for the things you said in the committee; I get the tactic of waiting until Hancock's appearance, to give him time to lie, but I hope you're not going to wait too much longer!

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I'm not the biggest fan of Brexit, or Dark Data. But as a wise man once said, better the Devil you know, then the Devil you don't.

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Dom, would you be interested in talking at the Oxford Union? I know you think we’re useless, but there are enough of us here who want to hear what you have to say. And enough who believe systems are useless.

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Large, especially non-commercial organisations don’t need boat rockers and trouble makers because there is literally no competition. Groupthink and design by committee at a snail’s pace where nobody wants to speak out leads to dreadful outcomes but on it goes.

How is it right that a business can exist and make millions procuring contracts - not the goods, just the contracts - for the NHS, and selling those contracts to the NHS for a fee *when the NHS has its own procurement arm*?! It drives me crackers. The nonsense around social vs health care funding is another one - it’s all public money but somehow we’ve ended up with a system where average people sell their homes to other for care and those who can afford to negotiate the CHC system with legal advice don’t have to. There are solutions but the right people aren’t looking for them.

I managed 10 months in the public sector and I walked because the phenomenal amount of waste and being the only sane voice was too much. I have enormous admiration and respect for what you’re doing here.

Came for the politics. Staying for the systems / change thinking.

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I did have a question, actually. I would be interested in your thoughts on "worst cases" - if (in this country) the political/organisational culture at the heart of government is not changed, what does the future for this country look like? What are the realistic ways it can be changed?

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I'm curious, did the "IdeasforNo10@gmail.com" communication channel yield anything useful during Covid or is there evidence that useful ideas were stymied by systemic dysfunction?

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Looking forward to understanding the inner workings of a genius.

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Ok, interesting. Is it not just an emergent property of large, complex organisations with broad tenors? Will you offer counter examples of comlplex organisations that have avoided such systematic dysfunction (Perhaps this would be more tractable if done one decision path at a time, with an example for each of where an organisation has not fallen into the same traps?).

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Thank you for the background to the interview. It explains the peculiar editing. It is the content of the interview that is most important even though we did not see much of it, rather than the rationale of the BBC production and editorial people.

I agree wholeheartedly with you that the ‘system is broken’. System in this case refers to political parties, politics, accountability, civil service and management methodology.

The question we should all be addressing is how to fix these problems.

Systems Engineering amazed me the first time I saw it used properly; it forced focus on Requirements, what were they, where would they be met in the design, how would they be met, how would they be proven and where and how is this data collated. The latter so when a small change was required the wheel does not have to be re-invented. Now, apply to politics...

If this approach had been taken before the endemic (it was downgraded from a pandemic in March 2020) and proper SE/ Project Management technique applied, the country would have had the correct PPE in place, plans to manufacture more, plans and agreements in place with companies the likes of Dyson and co to say “national emergency” here are the Level 1/2 specifications- Go.

We should also be asking the question who was responsible

and seeing that they failed what are the consequences for them?

I recall the last bit of the Adm. Rickover quote about responsibilities. “Unless you can point your finger at the man who is responsible when something goes wrong, then you have never had anyone really responsible.”

He had that right. Now we need to apply it to U.K. government, Whitehall, NHS, etc. and develop a political system that serves the people quickly and reliably with a Whitehall that is responsive to need, and aware of functionality outside its sphere. That cannot be done with the current red, blue, yellow and green pantomime players and party systems that are in place. Tice is following the footsteps but is unlikely to succeed. So a new way of making people aware, gaining trust and high impact change aimed at the people so that they can build locally themselves, is needed.

May help with SE and PM.

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Can I put in an early bid for more on Causal Models. Knowing a little (Judea Pearl's model, necessary-sufficient-contributory, etc) and working in marketing, digital, and contextual search I can see how this adds a powerful layer of robustness to ROI claims. I'd be fascinated to be directed to wider reading, and your thoughts and understanding on how we can develop those skills and apply them.

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I wish our media would ask Boris and co the simple questions, such as ‘Who in their right mind would pay from their own money (yeah sure) tens of thousands of pounds to renovate a grace and favour flat that could be re-possessed at any time in the next few years?’

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